APRIL 2019

Fri. 5 Apr. - Sun. 7 Apr. - Hike AT/NJ Camp Rd. - US. 206 Meet Fri. at Camp Mohican Outdoor Center - Options are to tent, or stay in a cabin if available. Sat. & Sun. day hike. Contact Leader for further details. Carol A. Langley cosmical42@gmail.com 860-877-4449 L. Easy

Sun. 14 Apr. - Day Hike, Nipmuck Trail,Yale Forest, Ashford. Route 89/Iron Mine Lane to Barlow Mill Road. Approx. 8 miles, moderate. Call for meeting time. Jim Robertson 860-633-7279 home, 860-519-8310 mobile, jrobert685@aol.com

Wed. Apr. 24 - Tue. Apr. 30 - Hike a section of the AT in VA. Plans to drive down on Wednesday afternoon and start on the trail on Thursday. My cousin is hoping to thru hike so plans are to connect and hike with him for 5 days wherever he is in VA at that time. Contact leader Mandy Brink: trekeragb@sbcglobal.net if interested in more details. Level: Moderate.

Fri. April 26-Sun.April 28 - Trail Maintenance Weekend at Story Spring Shelter. Contact: Mike Shaw at msshaw2@mail.com. Level: Moderate

Sun. 28 Apr. - Day Hike; Natchaug State Forest, Eastford/Hampton; Meet at Nathaniel Lyon Memorial Park at 10:00. We'll hike south on the Natchaug Trail, and loop back on the CCC Loop Trail.; Distance: 4.7 miles; Difficulty: Easy; Contact: Dennis Himes, dennis@cookhimes.us, 860-335-5672.

MAY 2019

Fri. May 3 - Sun. May 5 - Backpack. MA AT, Blotz Road south to Webster Road. 19 miles. Moderate. Sarah O'Hare, seohare7@yahoo.com.

CANCELED: Fri: May 10-Sun: May 12 - Trail Maintenance at Kid Gore. Contact Mike Shaw: msshaw2@mail.com. Level: Moderate

Sat. 18 May - Full Flower Moon Meet at Savin Rock, West Haven-Jimmies Rest. parking. We will watch the Sunset in the west then watch the Full Moon rise in the east. Plan to have dinner at Jimmies Rest. Contact Carol A. Langley for meeting time. cosmical42@gmail.com 860-877-4449 L. Easy

Wed. May 22 - Day Hike. Nipmuck Trail, Knowlton Spur Trail, Talmadge Spur Trail and UCONN Loop, Willington. Approx, 6.5 miles, easy. Sarah O'Hare, seohare7@yahoo.com.

JUNE 2019

Sun. 2 June - Day Hike; Macedonia Brook State Park, Kent; We'll do the blue loop, which loops along the ridges on both sides of Macedonia Brook. This includes Cobble Mountain. Meet at 10:00 at the southern trailhead, 0.7 miles from park boundary on main road, just past second bridge. Distance: 6.7 miles; Difficulty: Mostly moderate with easy and difficult sections; Contact: Dennis Himes, dennis@cookhimes.us, 860-335-5672.

Sat. 08 June - East Rock Park West Haven Hike 6-7 miles, great views of New Haven Harbor. Exit 6 off I-91 - State St-Park Dr. follow to Davis St. to parking lot. L. Carol A. Langley 860-877-4449 cosmical42@gmail.com L. Easy

Sat. 15 June - Day Hike. Bigelow Hollow State Park. Approx. 7-8 miles. Moderate. Sarah O'Hare, seohare7@yahoo.com.

Wed. June 19 - Morning Hike. Walden Preserve, Salem. A short 4 mile hike with highlights including a river, a brook, ponds, beaver lodges, meadows, tunnels of mountain laurel and an old rusted Pierce Arrow car. Sadly, dogs are not allowed. 4 miles, easy. Sarah O'Hare, seohare7@yahoo.com.

Thurs. June 20 - Sun. June 23 - Backpack, Long Trail divisions 11 & 12. Distance about 20 miles. Starting from Rt 118 near Belvidere Corners to Jay Peak. Plan to drive up and stay at the ski resort the night before. Nights at Tillotson Camp and Hazen Notch Camp. End Jay Peak than take the chairlift down. Leader buys ice cream afterwards. Level Moderate with some difficult sections. Leader Dan Zelterman: Daniel.zelterman@yale.edu. 203-859-8836.

Fri June 21-Sun June 23 - Trail Maintenance weekend at Story Springs. Leader: Mike Shaw: msshaw2@mail.com

Sat. 22 June - Annual Farmington River Paddle Meet 9:00 Rte. 4 Put In. Will Paddle 10 miles to Curtiss Park. Option to take out at Sycamore Tree. Swift or low water making paddling not possible we will hike instead. Life Jackets a must. L. Carol A. Langley 870-877-4449 cosmical42@gmail. L. Moderate

Sun. 30 June -Mattabesett Trail & Reservoir Loop Meet 10:00 Bear Hill Rd. Hike 5-6 miles. L. Carol A. Langley 860-877-4449 cosmical42@gmail.com L. Easy