APRIL 2018

[Easter] Sun. 01 Apr. -

Tues.03 Apr. Rockland Preserve in Durham Meet 10:00 Parking Lot off Rt. 79 Plan to hike 6-7 miles. L. Carol A. Langley 860-877-4449 cosmical14@yahoo.com L. Easy

Sun. 08 Apr. - Day Hike in Memory of Dave Hardy. Sleeping Giant State Park, meet at 9:00 am at main entrance off Mount Carmel Avenue for hike up the Tower Path and a brief reflection on Dave's life. Longer loop hike to follow, for anyone interested. Jim Robertson, 860-633-7279 home, 860-519-8310 cell, jrobert685@aol.com, rober2je@westinghouse.com Level: Easy/moderate

Fri. 13 Apr. - Tue. 17 Apr.: Grand Canyon trip: This is mostly (if not completely) filled up. There is room for 2 more people who could hike overnight into Monument Campsite for Sunday night only. Otherwise there is also hiking/camping for other nights based out of Mather Campground. If you're interested, contact the leaders, Mandy Brink: trekeragb@sbcglobal.net or Jim Moore: jmoore@acentech.com.

Sun. 22 Apr. - Mattabesett Trail & Bear Hill Loop Meet 9:00 Aircraft Rd. in Middletown Hike 6.2 miles. L. Carol A. Langley cosmical14@yahoo.com 860-877-4449 L. Easy

Sat. 28 Apr. - Day Hike. Stony Creek Preserve, Branford. Approx, 7 miles. Rescheduled from November. Level: Moderate. Sarah O'Hare seohare7@yahoo.com.

MAY 2018

Sat. 12 May - Joint Trail Maintenance with AMC-CT as part of their “Give A Day to the AT” event. This year the AMC plans a project dedicated to the memory of Dave Hardy. who is organizing the May 12 event. Jim Liptack (liptackj@gmail.com) of the AMC CT Chapter is coordinating. You can get to detailed info including time and meeting place by clicking: http://www.ct-amc.org/trails/TrailsListings.shtm, then scrolling down and clicking on the link to the May 12 event.

Jim Liptack said people can contact him, but that he doesn’t need pre-registration. He’ll determine assignments and tool needs on the morning of the 12th.

Sat. 19 May - White Memorial Meet 9:00 at Museum Parking Lot. Plan to hike 5-6 miles and hopefully see some baby beavers. L. Carol A. Langley 860-877-4449 cosmical14@yahoo.com L. Eas

Sat. 26 May - Day Hike Haley Farm/Bluff Point. Meet at Bluff Point at 9am. 4-5 miles Level: Easy. Leader Mandy Brink; trekeragb56@gmail.com or trekeragb@sbcglobal.net

JUNE 2018

Sat. 02 June - GMC Annual Meeting, Hulbert Outdoor Center, Fairlee, VT see details at https://www.greenmountainclub.org/annual-meeting/

Fri 15 June - Sun 17 June - Trail Maintenance Weekend at Kid Gore Shelter. Difficulty: moderate. Contact Mike Shaw. 860-381-9130 call or text msshaw2@mail.com

Sat. 16 June - Day Hike. Upper Race Brook Falls and Mt. Race, MA. An out and back strenuous hike with waterfalls, Mt. Laurel and views. Approx. 7 miles. Sarah O'Hare, seohare7@yahoo.com.

Sat. 23 June -Annual Farmington River Paddle Meet 9:00 Rt. 4 boat launch in Farmington. Life Jackets a must. Plan to paddle to Curtiss Park 10 miles. Lunch at Sycamore Tree, if you wish to take out at this point notify leader in advance. Low water levels we will walk the Rails - trails in the area. L. Carol A. Langley 860-877-4449 cosmical14@yahoo.com L. Moderate

Sat. 30 June - Sun July 1 - Overnight backpacking trip in NH. Zealand Trail to AT, overnight Saturday at Ethan Pond Campsite. Out to route 302 Crawford Notch on Sunday. Level: Moderate. Leader: Mandy Brink - trekeragb@sbcglobal.net or trekeragb56@gmail.com Cell phone 860-237-7426.