JULY 2022

Fri. July 1 - Paddle for ice cream on the Mystic River. Meet at boat launch under bridge on River Rd in Mystic. Meet at 6:30 pm. Paddle to drawbridge for ice cream then paddle back. I have a canoe and several kayaks if you are interested and need a boat to paddle. Level: Easy. Leader: Mandy Brink: trekeragb@sbcglobal.net or cell phone 860-237-7426. Rain cancels

Sun. 10 July - Paddle at Hopeville Pond State Park. Afternoon paddle followed by a picnic dinner. Meet at Hopeville Pond at 2pm. Level: Easy. I have extra kayaks if you are interested by don't have a kayak. Leader: Mandy Brink at trekeragb@sbcglobal.net or cell phone 860-237-7426. Rain cancels.

Wed. 13 July Thunder Full Moon at Sleeping Giant come and hear some Moon Folk Lore Meet Rails/Trails parking off Todd Rd. in Hamden at 6:30, bring dinner to eat at the tower, while we watch the sunset and the moon rise. Will share Moon Lore. Cloudy, bad weather will cancel. L. Carol A. Langley 860-877-4449 call or text.

Sat. 23 July - Taconic Crest Trail section hike #2: Madden Road (Hancock, Mass.) to Phelps Access Trail (So. Williamstown, Mass.). Contact leader for car spot information. Distance: 13.5 miles. Difficulty: Moderate. Leader: Dennis Paul Himes; dennis@cookhimes.us; (860) 335-5672

Sun. 24 July - Paddle Farmington River - Meet 8:30 at a new launch site off Old Farms Rd. We will paddle to the Sycamore tree for lunch then continue on to Curtiss Park for our take out. L. carol A. langley 860-877-4449 call or text

Wed. 27 July Meet 9:30 Tuttle Rd. Hamden off Rte. 10. Plan to hike the Horse Trail to Chestnut Lane and return or continue on the Blue Trail to Mt. Carmel Ave. and return. Heat index and group will decide. Leader Carol A. Langley 860-877-4449 call or text

Sun. 31 July - What: Day Hike Where: Wabbaquasset Trail, Woodstock When: Sun. 31 July Distance: 1.6 miles Difficulty: Easy Contact: Joe Conaci, jconaci@hotmail.com; 860-324-4930 Hike the newest Blue-Blazed Trail, opened by the Connecticut Forest & Parks Association on June twenty-third. Parking at the trailhead is limited, we will meet at the Commuter Parking lot in Phoenixville at 07:00 to carpool. Contact hike leader for more information.


Sat. 6 Aug. - Trail Magic - We will be providing trail magic where the Long Trail / Appalachian Trail crosses Kelly Stand Road (a little south of Stratton Mtn.). We'll set up some tables and hand out fruit, snacks, zip-loc bags, and whatever else we think through hikers would like. This usually lasts from mid-morning to mid-afternoon. For more information contact Dennis Himes: dennis@cookhimes.us; 860-335-5672.

Sun. 7 Aug. - Tues. Aug. 9 - Meet 9:00 at Kent Pond Vt. 100 hike into Stony Brook Shelter - Mon. Hike a reasonable amount of trail not sure if we will make the Wintturi Shelter since it is 9.9. Tues. hike out to Rte. 12. L. Carol A. Langley 860-877-4449 call or text.

Thur. 11 Aug. Sturgeon Full Moon Sleeping Giant S.P. Meet 6:30 Todd Rd. R&T parking off rte. 10 in Hamden. Leader: Carol A. Langley 860-877-4449 call or text

Sat. 20 Aug. - Taconic Crest Trail section hike #3: to Phelps Access Trail (So. Williamstown, Mass.) to Northern Terminus (Petersburg, N.Y.). Contact leader for car spot information. Distance: 13.6 miles. Difficulty: Moderate. Leader: Dennis Paul Himes; dennis@cookhimes.us; (860) 335-5672

Tues. 30 Aug. Block Island Plans are to meet for the 8:30 ferry to Block Island at 2 Ferry St. in New London. Ferry Fee is $59.00 RT bike is $10.00 each way. I will not be biking but if you wish to bike please come along. Plan to walk to the Lighthouse and down to the beach on the opposite side of Block Island. Plan to eat at a restaurant before we leave. There will be time to shop and just walk around town. Plan to take back the 4:55 Ferry hopefully we will ride behind the I-95 traffic. Any questions please contact Carol A. Langley 860-877-4449 BAD WEATHER WILL CANCEL


Sat. 17 Sept. - Day Hike. Mattabesett Trail, Middlefield. 6 miles. Reed Gap/Rt. 68 to Rt. 147/66. Level: Moderate. Sarah O'Hare, seohare7@yahoo.com.

Sun. 18 Sept - Wed Sept 21 - Camping at Grafton Notch in Maine. Day hiking the Wyman Mt area on the AT. Level: Moderate to difficult. Leader: Mandy Brink: trekeragb56@gmail.com, 860-237-7426 or Jim Robertson; jrobert685@aol.com, 860-918-0964

Sat. 24 Sept. - Connecticut Section Annual Dinner and Meeting. Cheshire Grange Hall

Thurs.-Fri. Sept. 29-30. Backpack. CT AT, Schaghticoke Road north to Rt. 341, Kent. 7.5 miles. Hike the new, rerouted section. Overnight tenting at the Schaghticoke Mountain Campsite. Level: Moderate backpack. Sarah O'Hare seohare7@yahoo.com.